Adama Mbaye appointed Director of Senegal FA technical centers

The Senegalese Football Federation has just appointed sociologist Adama Mbaye, as Director of the Jules François Bocande and Youssoupha Ndiaye technical centers based respectively in Toubab Dialaw, and in Guereo.
The newly appointed Director replaces Ibrahima Niang, who has become the deputy Secretary General of the Senegal football governing body. He is Doctoral Candidate In Sociology and is also finishing his Master II in Management of physical and sports activities and leisure at INSEPS in Dakar.
Adama Mbaye has been, coordinator, administrative manager and assistant coach of AS Douane ; the club in which he had played as midfielder. His task will consist in managing the two infrastructures of the FSF and ensuring that they are profitable enought. A mission that the young Director intends to carry out even if he admits that it will not be very easy, considering the impressive work that his predecessor has done.
However, Adama Mbaye has already set himself short-term objectives, which consistes in providing the two centers with the comfort of a high-standard hotel so that they can accomodate Senegal National squad A , in addition to all the other teams that are regularly staying their.
The Director also intends to improve the two natural lawns exixting in each center to the level of the best lawns in the world.
As a player, Adama Mbaye could not unfortunately wear the national jersey to defend the colors of Senegal. Today, he has the opportunity to wear the suit of Director of the FA technical centers, he intends to make good use of it to better serve his national football.