FIFA U20 world Cup: Senegal ousted at the quarter finals

Senegal U20 national squad on Saturday lost their World Cup quater final match to South Corea( 3-2after penalty shootout)
Coach Youssouf Dabo boys had however scored twice , but the South Koreans have always managed to level. They last did so at the dying munites when Senegal were leading 2-1. This last minute goal boosted the morale of the South Koreans who will soon score another goal in the extra time.
Senegal team kept on attacking until they leveled 3-3 and went to the penalty shootouts, which were in favour of South Korea 3-2.
The adventure of the brilliant baby lions in this Poland World Cup will unfortunately stop at the quarterfinals. That was certainly a bitter pill to swallow but what is clear than this generation has a bright future.