KALIDOU KOULIBALY, The Master of Defense

His talent is well established, because Kalidou Koulibaly is one of the best defenders in the world. The Senegalese rock is a terror for the attacking opponents. And if Senegal defense is among the best in Africa,  it is due in part to this boy who wes trained at Fc Metz and  who is currently playing at Naples.

This weekend, before flying to Senegal, he returned to  his  club , after his suspension in the Europa League. The Senegalese central defender was lined up against Udinese (15th, 26 points). On this 28th day of Serie A, Naples (2nd, 61 points) beat their   opponent by 4-2. A victory that allowed Kalidou Koulibaly and his team to get closer to Juventus( first with 75 points)