Senegal WAFU Cup of Nations: A RDC for the latest settings

Thies city that will host the second edition of the Senegal 2019 WAFU Cup of Nations from 28 September to 13 October 2019, held on Saturday a Regional Development Committee(RDC).
Presided over by Thies Governor Mr Mouhamadou Moustapha Ndao, that RDC was attended by members of the Local Organizing Committee of the tournament led by Augustin Senghor, who is also president of the UFOA / A and all the chefs de regional services concerned.
An opportunity to go through the different actions to take so that everything is ready a week before the beginning of the tournament.
According to the Governor, beyond the various ministerial departments in his region, all the population of Thies, including the Navétanes movement and the football academies must get involved for the success of the event that is honoring the whole region.
The President of the Local Organizing Committee Augustin Senghor believe the event will be successful and declared that the budget is already available
Senegal 2019 WAFU Cup of Nations will bring together 15 WAFU countries plus Morocco as a guest. It will have have 200,000 views and the winner will receive $ 100,000.